Extract the template files using winrar or 7zip which you can download here : https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0
Double click the project file to open it.
To change the logo/text, go to comp named "Insert your logo" or "Edit Logo" or "Logo" composition. The name may differ for each but it contains the word "Logo"
Now you can see either my logo or empty or the file missing.
All you have to do is delete my logo/missing file and just drag your logo inside this composition, then your logo will appear in the final composition.
You can change the "tagline/text below the logo" by locating the "edit text or text" composition.
Some templates have "controls" option to customize the colors and stuff. It can be located in "Main Comp Controls" or "Final Render" or "Render". This option may not be available for all templates.
Select the "controls" option and go to effects control tab. (If its not showing then go to Windows -> Workspace-> All Panels). It will appear beside the project tab.
You can play around with the available the options in the control to customize the template to your liking.
Ultimately you have to render the template get the final video file. Go to the "Render Full HD" or "Render" (Differs for each template) and select Composition -> Add to render queue
In the render queue tab, You can change render settings to your liking and then just click the "Render" button to get the final video file of the template.