Category: Lower Third

Elegant Corporate Logo Reveal Intro

After Effects CC18 and above…

 Posted in After Effects CC Templates, Gaming Intros, Lower Third

100 Cool Lower Third Templates

After Effects CS6 and above…

 Posted in After Effects CC Templates, Lower Third

Gaming Intro Template 4

After Effects CS6, CC |…

 Posted in After Effects CC Templates, Gaming Intros, Lower Third

Stylish Lower Thirds Template

After Effects CS6 CC  |…

 Posted in After Effects CC Templates, Lower Third

3D Box Lower Third Template for After Effects

After Effects CS6 CC  |…

 Posted in After Effects CC Templates, Lower Third

#540 3D Lower Third Titles Pack for After Effects

After Effects CS6 CC  |…

 Posted in After Effects CC Templates, Lower Third

Cool Social Media Truck Lower Third Template for After Effects

After Effects CS6 CC  |…

 Posted in After Effects CC Templates, Lower Third